A football All-American in highschool, Dwyane was named one of the top fifty gridiron warriors in the country. His athletic ability was great, and his potential was astounding. During school however, he found another talent. Walking down the halls, his friends would say hello to him. However, instead of the casual "hello" you would expect, Dwyane ignored them. He only acknowledged them by raising his right eyebrow.
When Rocky Johnson left the WWF in the late 1980's, Dwayne was attending college at the University of Miami in Florida. He played as a defensive lineman for the Hurricanes and contributed to the team's National Championships on 1989 and 91. After graduating with a degree in criminology, Dwyane thought about joining the secret service, but sports entertainment grabbed his interest. After careful consideration of his options, Johnson decided againt the secret service, and joined the World Wrestling Federation.
WWF Fans were awestruck after Rocky's impressive debut. Keeping a high win percentage quickly earned him a shot at the Intercontinental Championship. His first title match was against Hunter Hearst Helmsley, now known as Triple H. Rocky won the match and the title.
It seemed that Rocky was set for life, but things were not all good. The fans began to tire of being reminded of how wonderful Rocky Miavia was, despite his natural charisma.
After a night in New York, Rocky's attitude changed for the worse. During a match, Rocky saw a sign in the crowd that said "Die, Rocky, Die." Rocky was furious. He decided that he no longer would cater to the fans. With a new, more agressive outlook, he soon fell in with The Nation Of Domination.
As a rookie, Miavia was presented an excellent opportunity to improve his skills under the leadership of Faarooq, to was the head of the NOD at the time.
Miavia was loyal to the Nation for the first few months. In October, at Badd Blood, he, D'Lo Brown, and Kama Mustafa (now known as the Godfather), teamed up against The Legion of Doom and Ken Shamrock. As part of the NOD squad, he faced the LOD, who teamed up with Ken Shamrock and Ahmed Johnson, again at Survivor Series.
About this time, The Rock was more preferred by him than Rocky Miavia.
On November 17, The Rock really made himself known. Eight days after Survivor Series on RAW is WAR, The Rock stole the intercontinental title from Stone Cold Steve Austin as he fought off the rest of the NOD. On that day, the rivalry between The Rock and Austin was born, and lives on to this day.
At In Your House: D-Generation X on December 7, The Rock was pinned by Austin. However, The Rock didn't have much of a chance. Austin would win his first WWF Championship in 3 months and become the most popular susperstar in sports entertainment ever. It was Austin's time.
One day after the Pay-Per-View, Austin declared he had "bigger fish to fry," handing the Intercontinental Title over to The Rock. On RAW the next week, however, Austin took The Rock's pager and his title and threw them into a New Hampshire river.
Though humiliated, The Rock proved that he was ready to go to the next level in the WWF.
With a brand new Intercontinental belt around his waist, The Rock began to assert himself more within the Nation. He took on a more cocky additude which began to get him ahead.
It was clear toward the end of December, that there was some dissention in the faction. Faarooq was "volunteered" into a match with Ken Shamrock by The Rock, and Faarooq was obviously unhappy. In January, Mark Henry was recruited into the nation by The Rock without Faarooq's prior knowledge.
At No Way Out in february, the five members of NOD clashed with Ken Shamrock, Ahmed Johnson, and three of the Disciples of apocalypse. However, they lost, perhaps because of a lack of unity.
On Feb. 21, during an episode of RAW is WAR, The Rock presented D'lo, Kama, and Mark Henry with brand new Rolex watches.
Faaroq's eye's lit up as The Rock told him the he had an "extra special gift for Faarooq. But Faarooq's expression changed to dissapointment when The Rock unveiled a poster sized photo of himself, and Faarooq was more than upset.
The Next week on RAW, The Rock was screwed out of a win over Steve Blackman. Several times, The Rock had him pinned to the mat, but the referee was distracted by Faarooq each time. A few weeks later, Ken Shamrock had The Rock trapped in the ankle-lock, but the Nation was ordered by Faarooq not to help.
At Wrestlemania XIV, Shamrock could have won the Intercontinental title, by his temper got the better of him. He refused to release Rock from the ankle lock after the Rock tapped out, and the referee reversed his decision.
After Wrestlemania on RAW, the Rock took over the Nation of Domination as the leader was thrown out. Mark Henry, D'lo, and Kama all sided with The Rock, and Faarooq was out of the Nation.
Ken Shamrock and Steve Blackman soon joined with Faarooq, as The NOD was a common enemy. At April's Unforgiven, The 3 men teamed up in a six man tag team match against Rock, D'Lo, and Mark Henry.
Faarooq's team won the match, and The Rock was put into a match for his title, at the May PPV. But The Rock used the ropes for leverage, and kept his title, pinning Faarooq.
As D-Generation X was evolving into a fan favorite group during the summer of 1998, they and the NOD developed a rivalry. This rivaly was highlighted by a parody of the Nation, put on by DX.
Triple H lost his European Title to D'Lo Brown on July 20, due to interference by the Rock, one month before Summerslam.
With the Intercontinental title on the line at July's Fully Loaded, a best of three falls match was held between The Rock and Triple H. The Rock kept his title when the match ended in a time limit draw.