White People Are Not The Only Racists

In recent weeks, a Los Angeles official anounced that there are now more Hispanics than Caucasians in La. He proclaimed that this is a prelude to a time when there will be no cultural majority. I'd like to understand how this works. If there are more Hispanics than whites, then there is still a cultural majority. We just cant seem to accept that it may not be white people.

Why is it that white people have always been portrayed as the only racists in the world today? Black pride and Brown pride are perfectly acceptable Phrases to be used in todays society. However, When someone proclaims white pride, they are labled a racist. Why is this? Some people say, "Well, white people don't have much to be proud of." Excuse me? Look at all the things that white people have done for this world. Benjamin Franklin, Sigmund Freud, Winston Churchill, Elizabeth I. I would say that they deserve as much credit for their acheivements as say, Martin Luther King Jr. Ben Franklin discovered electricity and invented the light bulb. Sigmund Freud opened a window to the workings of the human mind. I'd say that's something that white people have to be proud of.

What about slavery, though? White people enslaved the Africans and treated tham poorly. Does anyone realize that Africans are not the only slaves in the world? Don't they know that there is a white slave trade going on in the middle east TODAY? Furthermore, white people did not enslave as many people as we are led to believe. Most of the slaves brought to the US from Africa were already slave before they were brought here. We didn't hunt them down, we bought them from OTHER AFRICANS. The Africans hunted them, enslaved them, and sold them to the highest bidder. Also, we did not treat our slaves so poorly as most think. In Africa, back then, and even today in some places, slaves were forced to fend for themselves, and flogged on a regular basis to keep them in line. Our slaves, however, were only flogged as punishment (not unlike the military), and were given everything they need to stay healthy and strong. Most slaves were actually paid, and allowed to leave and buy things that they WANT.

While I do not condone slavery, and I think it's a horrible institution that should never be enstated again, I also believe that slavery did African Americans a lot of good. Over the time when slavery was enstated, slaves were bred. They would put the biggest female with the biggest male. Over time, the weak slaves were ginetically weeded out. Although some returned later in life, most African Americans are stronger than white people. Hence, Black football players. This may just be coincidence, and again, I don't condone slavery, but I do think it did them good.

I also am a strong believer in the fact that all people are racist when in a group of people of their own race. If a white man walks up to a group of Hispanics and tries to start up a conversation, they'll look at him like a gay man who just walked into anti-gay rally. It just doesn't work. And white people are no exception to this. The same thing would happen if the races were reversed.

Some people have said there are no other supremacist groups other than white supremacists. Well, I have two words for them... "Black Panthers." The Black Panthers outwardly hated white people and stood up for Black supremacy. I think supremacist groups of all kinds are stupid and should be ended.

I do believe that racism is wrong, but I also believe that blaming it on one race is wrong. White people are not responsible for all the hate in this world, and neither in anyone else. Hate is the fault of every person on this planet, and it will take a lot of work to abolish it.

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